Cyber Security Hub


Cyber Security Courses Spring 2020 in English

Quantum Seminar
The focus will be on Quantum AI, Quantum Crypto, Quantum algorithms and mathematics of quantum computation, and finally on computing with noisy (but existing!) quantum computing devices.

Read more at the course site

Applied Cryptography
In this course we will use various cryptographic primitives to implement security protocols in Python. The course consists of lectures and extensive homework. Cryptography concepts will be explained as we go. Basic programming skills are a critical prerequisite.

Read more at the course site

Cryptology I
The aim of this course is for students to acquire an overview of elementary cryptographic primitives, their most common historic and contemporary constructions, the ways of defining and proving/breaking their security and of assumptions commonly needed in these proofs. In addition, there will be an introduction of simple identification protocols and their working principles.

Quantum Computing
Assuming thorough familiarity with finite-dimensional Linear Algebra (including, e.g., complex inner-product spaces (aka Hilbert spaces) and spectral theory), this course will take the student over quantum gates and circuits (universal "error-free" quantum computer), to the basic quantum algorithms, including Grover search, Shor's algorithm, and HHL for linear equations.

Quantum Cryptography
In quantum cryptography, we use quantum mechanical effects to construct secure protocols. The paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics allows for constructions that solve problems known to be impossible without quantum mechanics. This lecture gives an introduction to this fascinating area. Possible topics include: basics of quantum computation, breaking crypto with quantum computers, quantum key distribution, quantum commitments (possibility/impossibility), quantum zero-knowledge.

Introduction to Wireless Security
The course will briefly introduce students to wireless signals (frequencies, bandwidth, wavelength) and how they are transmitted and received. Students will learn how to use various hardware (HackRF, RTL-SDR, NFC reader, USB Wi-Fi receiver) and Software Defined Radio (GNU Radio). The course will cover different wireless communication protocols, analyse their security - different types of attacks and countermeasures. The homework will involve implementing exercises using Python.

Read more at the course site

Secure Programming Techniques
Students will be acquainted with secure programming techniques.

Read more at the course site

Secure Programming Techniques Project
The students will have to find and fix a new security problem in real software.

Read more at the course site

The full list of all the Spring Semester 2020 courses can be found from the official Institute of Computer Science course site